The importance of routine in reducing the risk of SIDS Give them some time to play on their tummy while they are awake to help their development, but make sure you supervise them while they are on their front. The first few times they roll onto their tummy, you might like to gently turn them back, but do not feel you have to get up all night to check. Once your baby can move themselves from their back to their front and back again by themselves, they will be able to find their own sleeping position. Doing so will not help with reflux and is unlikely to improve cold symptoms. Do not incline, tilt or prop the mattress, cot or baby.

Cessation in Pregnancy Incentives Trial (CPIT).CONI support during the coronavirus (COVID-19) and beyond.The CONI Programme: Role of the Midwife Training.

Care of Next Infant (CONI): Information For Professionals.All-Party Parliamentary Group on Baby Loss.Supporting families during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.Bereaved Fathers, Partners & Co-parents.Coronavirus (COVID-19) and caring for your baby.Safer Sleep for babies online presentations.Coping with sleep deprivation as a new parent.Safer sleep for babies away from home or in emergency situations.

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